Class Information

School Times

Our gates open at 8:45am and the Nursery / Year 1 / Year 2 gate will stay open until 9am. After this, entry to school will be through the School Office, so that learning can begin on time and with minor disruption. Year 2 is a very important year, so children need to be in school as often as possible and on time, in order to learn as much as they can.

Our day finishes at 3:30pm. If you need to speak to the Class Teacher for whatever reason, please wait until all children are dismissed or arrange a phone call. This is because we want everyone to remain safe.


We offer every child toast for free, as they arrive to school. Every child may have a toast; however, they need to be in school on time in order to get one.

P.E. Kits

Our P.E. day is every Monday and Wednesday this year. Children can come into school in their full P.E. kit (no football kits). In the winter, they can wear plain blue or black jogging pants instead of shorts.


Attendance and Punctuality

It is very important that your child has good attendance and punctuality, as the Government sets a requirement of 98% attendance throughout the school year. It is also important that your child arrives on time, as this minimises disruption to both their learning and to the classroom.

Please make sure that your child arrives to school on time. If your child is going to be absent, please contact school to let us know as soon as possible.


Please ensure your child has the correct uniform and that each item is clearly labelled, including their coat and P.E. kit. This is in case they are lost and can be found more easily.

Their school uniform is a reflection on the class and school as a whole; especially when we are out of school or have visitors. The children feel so smart in their full uniform and feel proud to wear it.

School have now bought lots of ties, so children can borrow these for the day and then return it at the end of the day.

Reading Books

Reading is a vital part of your child's education and reading with your child at home is a lovely way to spend quality time with them. Children can also read with their older siblings. Reading enables children to learn more vocabulary in a range of subjects and it also helps them with their writing.

We suggest that children read each night and practise their sounds to support their learning in school. Please encourage them to sound out unfamiliar words and read with fluency and expression.

Children who have signed up to the reading scheme will have reading books changed weekly, please make a comment in your child’s reading record and return this with the reading book. If the reading record is not signed we will assume that your child has not read their book at home yet and therefore it will not not be changed that week. Also, please be aware that there is a £3 charge for any lost or damaged reading books.

If you would like to sign up to the reading scheme please do not hesitate to ask for a form. Please bring your child's book in every Thursday to be changed.


Children are encouraged to drink water throughout the day. They can bring in their own water bottle. Plastic cups are also provided if your child does not have a water bottle for the day.

Inhalers/Prescribed Medicine

If your child needs an inhaler, could you please send it in with a name label and instructions on when to take it. All parents must sign a medical consent form in the main reception to authorise any medicines to be administered by staff.


We provide a homework menu at the begining of each term that the children can complete at home. The children can then bring in and show what they have completed, sharing their hard work with their friends in class and feel proud of themselves.

New Spellings homework will be sent out every Monday and tested on Friday. We also ask that children read at home each night.


Thank you for your support,

Miss Cooper and Miss Vaughan