R.E. - Catholic Life

Our Mission Statement

The love of Christ nurture, guide and inspire us.

Our Aims

Be a christian community that lives the Gospel Values; 'Love of Christ'.

Provide opportunities for all to grow and achieve by igniting a desire for learning; 'Guide and inspire'.

Be a havenof peace and love that enables all to thrive; 'Nurture'.

Catholic Life at St Marie's

Our school is a community of love, hope and peace. Christ is at the centre of everything we do and we strive each day to bring the gospel values to life in our school, parish and wider global community. We aim to give our children the best possible start in life by giving them many opportunities to fulfil their potential and become moral and spiritual citizens of the future.

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St Marie's

Bigdale Drive, Kirkby, L33 6XL

The love of Christ, nurture, guide and inspire us