The school has five governors who carry out their duties through a full Governing Body meeting programme and committees focusing on the quality of education, finance, staffing, buildings, policy and admissions. Further information on dates of full governors meetings, sub-committee meetings and members are available on this website or from the Clerk.
Files to Download
5.5-governing-body-attendance-202223-1.pdf Committee Remit FGB minutes April 2024.docx FGB minutes December 2022.docx FGB minutes January 2023 .docx FGB minutes January 2024.docx FGB minutes July 2023.docx FGB minutes March 2023.docx FGB minutes March 2024.docx FGB minutes May 2023.docx FGB minutes November 2023.docx FGB minutes October 2022.docx FGB minutes October 2023.docx Members-StMariesCatholicPrimary.pdf Parent Governors