Mission Statement
St Marie's Catholic Primary School
Mission Statement
The love of Christ nurture, guide and enspire us.
To do this we will:
Be a Christian community that lives the Gospel values; 'Love of Christ'.
Provide opportunities for all to grow and achieve by igniting a desire for learning; 'Guide and inspire'.
Be a haven of peace and love that enables all to thrive; 'Nurture'.
Objectives: Christ Centred
Provide high quality collective worship and enriching liturgical celebrations.
Enable our children to acquire an excellent religious education and develop their relationship with God.
Share faith, love and hope in the likeness of Mary, Mother of God.
Provide a safe harbour where all can succeed.
Objectives: Education
Have high expectations of ourselves and others in all that we do.
Value our pupils and staff appreciating their uniqueness and individual talents, enabling tham to achieve well.
Provide a curriculum that opens the world, in all it's awe and wonder, to our pupils.
Objectives: Community
Create a peaceful, happy school where all feel welcomed and valued.
Nurture and grow our pupils and community in the Gospel Values.
Celebrate each person as a beautiful work of art, celebrated in God's image.