
Homework Menu

We have a Homework Menu each term that your child can use to choose a creative activity. This homework will be presented to the rest of the class every half term. You can view our Homework Menus below and choose an activity. 


Spellings are tested each week. Your child will receive their spelling for the half term with a list to learn for each week and we will have a spelling test each Friday. Opportunities are planned throughout the week for your child to learn their spellings in school, however please encourage them to read over and practise their spellings at home too.

Spelling support: 







Reading is the gateway to all other learning. Reading at home is so important and can be vital to your child's development and education.

Your child will regularly bring a reading book home from school. Please encourage your child to read to you and please make a comment in their reading record, returning this to school so that the reading book can be changed. You could also share stories with your child and read aloud to them, as this is important for developing communication skills, comprehension and vocabulary.

Access Reading Eggs or Reading Eggspress at home if you can - if you need new log-in details, please contact Miss Hogg.

You can find some useful tips and hints below:


Files to Download